By using the annotation @OData.publish : true
The Update function module is a function module for which the processing type property of the function builder is set to Update Module. This function module is not executed immediately but is scheduled for execution in a special work process called update work process.
CDS Views can be consumed as entity types using Data Model->Reference->Data Source
Set the print mode as Duplex
No, we can have an inline declaration of the new variable on LHS and just mention the method call on RHS without writing RETURNING parameters to directly capture the returning parameter from the method.
To give a page break in smartforms we need to create a COMMAND line in the Main Window. For example if we want to display only five records per page and the records of the particular flight
No this will result in an error and code cannot be activated.
SAP AIF can be implemented for better error handling and reprocessing of the data transferred based on interfaces based on IDocs, OData and proxies.
We can use REDUCE and FOR to add all the amount fields without using LOOP statement.
We can use LOOP AT GROUP BY and provide fields required for grouping similar records and then use LOOP AT GROUP.