CDS View activation generates 2 objects:
CDS View Entity(consumed everywhere) & SQL view at DDIC level.
Cardinality is used to define the relationship among tables. It can be such as ZERO TO ONE, ONE to ONE,ONE To MANY, MANY to ZERO represented as [0..1],[1..1], [1..*], [*..0]
Path expression is like a where condition which is used inside the CDS select to filter the data.
Append structure is used to append the structure to the standard table where as Include structure is used to include the structure in the custom table. Same APPEND structure cannot be used in more than one standard tables. Same Include structure can be added to any number of custom tables.
Static methods are methods which can be called irrespective of the class instance. Only static attributes and static events can be accessed within the Static method. Memory is allocated once. Instance methods are methods which can be ONLY called using the object reference. Instance methods can access instance attributes and instance events. Memory is allocated for each object instance.
Further ABAP CDS has categories:
Interface Views,
Composite Views &
Consumption Views.
Now we have further types under these:
CDS with Parameter
CDS with join
CDS with association
Extend view etc.
Further ABAP CDS has categories:
Interface Views,
Composite Views &
Consumption Views.
Now we have further types under these:
CDS with Parameter
CDS with join
CDS with association
Extend view etc.
Execute the smartform then you will see a Function Module. Just put breakpoint in that FM and execute the smartform.
"HIDE statement is used to store line specific (SY-LINNO) information which is clicked by the user.
System stores field name, field contents and line number of the field that was clicked."
System stores field name, field contents and line number of the field that was clicked."
"Check Table:
1. It contains valid entries of a particular foreign key.
2. Check table is validation at field level.
3. It is part of table definition.
Value Table:
1. It is part of domain definition.
2. Value table is validation at domain level.
3. It is used to provide values on F4 help for all the fields which refer to that domain."
1. It contains valid entries of a particular foreign key.
2. Check table is validation at field level.
3. It is part of table definition.
Value Table:
1. It is part of domain definition.
2. Value table is validation at domain level.
3. It is used to provide values on F4 help for all the fields which refer to that domain."
By default the visibility of Interface Methods is Private. We can change this using ALIAS.
"According to the Release 7.53:
1. For a database table that is not part of SAP_BASIS, total of all field lengths is no longer checked in ABAP Dictionary.
2. For a database table that is not part of SAP_BASIS, total of all field lengths is restricted to 4030."
1. For a database table that is not part of SAP_BASIS, total of all field lengths is no longer checked in ABAP Dictionary.
2. For a database table that is not part of SAP_BASIS, total of all field lengths is restricted to 4030."
The data type should be of CHAR with max length 30.