Singleton class is a class which can have one active instance of the class at a time. Singleton Class can be created as: Create a Private Class, Create a private static attribute of type Class, have a public static method which returns the instance of the class.
It defines the initial size of the table and extends automatically as and when the number of records exceeds
While preparing the Field Catalogue we need to make the property EDIT = X for the fields which need to be editable
No, we can adjust table in SE14 and edit TMG back in SE11
"gr_columns->set_exception_column( value = 'LIGHTS' ). Here LIGHTS is the name of column to be added in the internal table.
1 for RED, 2 for YELLOW and 3 for GREEN."
1 for RED, 2 for YELLOW and 3 for GREEN."
Exits are the old method of enhancement where only one implementation is possible for each exit. BADI on the other hand are the newest way to enhance the standard functionality. It is possible to have multiple implementation for BADI even with the Filter values.
TMG is specific to a particular table on which its created however Maintenance view clubs fields from multiple tables based on foreign key relationship.
Kernel BADI is implemented using GET BADI and CALL BADI statement. So to find it we can search for these 2 statements in the package level or tcode level. We can use tcode CODE_SCANNER to speed up the search.
Transparent table
Pooled table
Cluster table
Pooled table
Cluster table
"@ObjectModel.foreignKey.association:’_AssicationName’: This Annotation is used for Value Help from association based on the Key Field.
@ObjectModel.text.element: [‘Fieldname’]: This annotation is used for Value Help for Key field to display the Text also. E.g field name is Customer Name for Customer Number.
@Consumption.valueHelp: This Annotation is used for Value Help from Associations.
@Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: This Annotation Used for Value Help from another CDS view or Value Help CDS."
@ObjectModel.text.element: [‘Fieldname’]: This annotation is used for Value Help for Key field to display the Text also. E.g field name is Customer Name for Customer Number.
@Consumption.valueHelp: This Annotation is used for Value Help from Associations.
@Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: This Annotation Used for Value Help from another CDS view or Value Help CDS."