"HIDE statement is used to store line specific (SY-LINNO) information which is clicked by the user.
System stores field name, field contents and line number of the field that was clicked."
System stores field name, field contents and line number of the field that was clicked."
Append always add the new row at last position where in Insert we can specify the the Index for the new row
Because it is the logical starting point of the program execution.
Is gets triggered just before the first WRITE statement.
The SAP Docking Container allows you to attach a control to any of the four edges of a screen as a resizable screen area. You can also detach it so that it becomes an independent modal dialog box. Class: CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER.
Not directly with SALV framework but can be tweaked to do achieve this.
Though SAP does not recommend that and it can have screen issues later.
Though SAP does not recommend that and it can have screen issues later.